If you are an executive or leader who is on the job market, then this is for you.
Modern job searching is far from simple as the game has changed.
Interviews have changed, networking has changed, and it is estimated that 85% of senior roles are never advertised and exist only in the “hidden market”.
It is no wonder that many leaders on the move lose confidence, lose clarity and struggle to attract the type of role they desire.
Let's get to work!


Let's get to work!
If you are a business Leader or Manager that has found themselves on the job market or you are considering moving jobs as the economy starts to bounce back, then I’d strongly recommend picking up a copy of this book from Andrew MacAskill.
You’ll get excellent hints and tips to use on your CV, LInkedIn profile and cover letter and brilliant interview advice.
But, what Andrew does really well is help you understand and manage the emotional elements of the journey, to really understand what you want and how to go about getting it.
For a book that is less than 100 pages and less than £10 you’ll be amazed at the impact it will have on your job search.
- Craig Elvin

Best 'recipe' book for your job search or career advancement
Best book available for anyone at any level who:
Are looking for work,
Wants to improve their chances to progress to the next opportunity, or
Wants to understand how the hidden job market operates.
Don't be disillusioned about the hidden job market, this book will give you manageable bite sized chunks (I think of it as recipes - similar to how you would cook or bake) for how you set yourself up to succeed and how you use these tips to secure your next role.
This book is easy to read as it comes in short topics with clear guidance and How To. Put this book next to your computer or notepad and follow the recipes to succeed.

Buy it, read it and keep it close to your laptop - you won't regret it
When finding myself out of work in the middle of a global pandemic, I soon realised that I was out of touch with the job market and woefully underprepared for attracting my next role.
However, help was there in the Executive Career Jump, Andrew MacAskill and his team. Weekly live events, helping you with everything from a new CV, hacks for your LinkedIn profile to interview playbooks and techniques that give you the edge. Along with another great group on LinkedIn called Furlearn, they helped me enormously with my job searching skills, knowledge.
Above all, through these two groups, I gained confidence that I could get through this period; I was good at what I do and that I would succeed.
This book brings all the best parts together under one great reference, which I will be referring back to again and again in the coming years.
- Paddy Roberts
Meet the Author

Entrepreneur, job search and outplacement expert, and founder of Executive Career Jump, Andrew MacAskill is one of the UK's leading Career Coaches and continues his mission to end job search misery with this Amazon #1 best-selling book!

A really excellent book in more ways than you’d think
This book is brilliantly written with real intuition and personal experience. Because of the personal experience and insight of the author it covers not just the practical but equally importantly the common psychological and mental challenges that come with job search. There’s a real depth of understanding which translates into a book that doesn’t feel stressful or difficult to read and brings comfort and reassurance as well as practical advice.
- Tim
What a game-changer
It used to be "send a cv/resume and wait for the interviews" - That's changed and is what has been the struggle the last couple of years. Andrew explained everything from CVs to LinkedIn Content Strategy! How networking strategy changes the game. That most vacancies and job opportunities aren't advertised but being front and centre of mind is the way to position yourself to acquire roles in this new hidden job market. It's revolutionary.
- Neil E
Packed with value and amazing tips for your job search!
Andrew is a master in the field of career coaching and job searching which shows clearly in this book! It’s so easy to digest in bite size chunks. His warm hearted approach comes across clearly in the txt and it’s clear his intention is all about serving. This book is packed with amazing value. I’ve learnt so much!
- Penny

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